COM and Powerpoint control

Harald Singer singer at
Tue Nov 30 09:08:59 EST 1999


I am looking for an example of an "outside controlled" PowerPoint
presentation using COM. My final goal is to time-align the slides
presentation with an audio file, because the PowerPoint internal
slide-show timing is massively broken.

The following code snippet worked promisingly well on Win98:

 from win32com.client import constants, Dispatch

 x = Dispatch('Powerpoint.Application.8')
 x.ActiveWindow.ViewType = constants.ppViewNotesPage

Now, I tried to record a macro to see what commands might be used in
slideshow mode, but looking at the generated VB code, I can't see any
commands that advance the slideshow.

-- VB snippet start ---
Sub Macro1()
        .AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowUseSlideTimings
        .PointerColor.SchemeColor = ppForeground
    End With
End Sub'
-- VB snippet end ---

Any help or code fragments are appreciated. BTW, I did a search
for this but nothing relevant came up.
Harald Singer	ATR-ITL		singer at	++81-774-95-1389

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