win32com and IIS?

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Sun Nov 7 17:21:09 EST 1999

As you guess, this is almost certainly a permssions problem.  IIS may not
have permissions to create windows on its workstation.  The error message
certainly implies this is indeed the case.  The only thing I can suggest is
searching the MS knowledge base, and see what they have to say - I am fairly
sure that _all_ languages that can run under IIS will have the same issue.

As a simple test, you could use the Windows Scripting Host from CGI, and do
the same thing with some VBScript code.  I feel confident it will have the
exact same problem...


Arad Rostampour wrote in message <803e2a$dul$1 at>...
>Thanks for the quick reply...Here is a simpler example with debugging flags
>import win32com.client
>ieweb = win32com.client.Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application")
>print ieweb.Document.Body.innerText
>Attribute Document not in cache
>Getting property Id 0xcb from OLE object
>Traceback (innermost last):
> ...
>pywintypes.com_error: (-2147023169, 'The remote procedure call failed and
>did not execute.', None, None)
>Again, it works from the python interactive interpreter but does not work
>a cgi script under IIS.  It doesn't like getting ieweb.Busy either...Also,
>are there any issues with running the COM interface not specifically as
>myself or a specific user, but rather IUSR_machinename?  Is there any
>special set-up besides the Script Map key that ties a .py file to python?

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