? on working with http redirects in htmllib

Paul Robinson paul.robinson at quantisci.co.uk
Tue Nov 30 12:59:54 EST 1999

Levi Cook wrote:
> Does anyone know how to process and follow a redirect in python?
> I can easily tell if I've recieved the 301 or 302 errcode, but I cannot for
> the life of me figure out how to get the URL of the new destination.

The URL is simply in the "Location" header.

so for example (untested code):

def actualGet(server, uri):
        got = 0
        while not got:
            h = httplib.HTTP(server)
            h.putrequest('GET', uri)
            h.putheader('Accept', 'text/html')
            errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
            if errcode == 200:
                f = h.getfile()
                got = 1
            elif errcode == 302 or errcode == 301:
                url = headers.getheader('location')
                #Split into uri and server
                URL2Fetch = urlparse.urlparse(address)
                server = URL2Fetch[1]
                uri = URL2Fetch[2]
            elif errcode == 404:
		#Do something else!
                got = 1
                raise RuntimeError, ('Unsupported errcode', errcode,
        return f

Hope this helps,

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