SWIG and function name question

Oleg Broytmann phd at phd.russ.ru
Wed Nov 10 08:19:58 EST 1999

On 4 Nov 1999, Scott Barron wrote:
> class Foo:
> 	self.f = foo.__foo  # Create an alias for foo.__foo

> If I comment out self.f = foo.__foo all works fine.  What am I doing wrong
> here?

   Inside a class, all nmaes that starts with double underscore (__)
mangles into Klassname__name.

> 	self.f = foo.__foo  # Create an alias for foo.__foo

   This is equivalent to

> 	self.f = foo.Foo__foo

   And python cannot find any Foo__foo...

    Oleg Broytmann      Foundation for Effective Policies      phd at phd.russ.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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