"Calling" PHP pages from Python (and vice versa)

rturpin at my-deja.com rturpin at my-deja.com
Tue Oct 19 18:50:43 EDT 1999

This may be more a question about Apache than about Python.  Given a
Python CGI script, is there anyway for it to "redirect" the http request
to a PHP page, without incurring the net latency of an actual redirect.
This seems like it ought to be easy, but unlike pure HTML, the script
cannot just copy the page to standard out, since the actual HTML is
generated by the PHP processor.  A redirect would work, but it seems
silly to go back to the browser for this.

(What about the other way around?  Is there an efficient way for a PHP
page to invoke a Python script through mod-py?  Of course, that's a PHP
question ..)



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