Python on Minix

sthaiyar at sthaiyar at
Sat Oct 23 19:10:55 EDT 1999

hi all,
	i am trying to install python1.5.2
on minix. however, when i run './configure',
i get lots of:

checking (some file) file: not found
grep: bad regular expression

I am assuming here that these messages arent
supposed to show up. BTW, i am running Minix
of a 486 IBM Thinkpad.
I read the README file and saw for Minix
when using ack, "CC=cc AR=aal RANLIB=: ./configure",
so i typed './configure CC=cc AR=aal RANLIB=:'  (is this right???)
and got the same results as above. i even tried
'make' a "make: dont know how to make @srcdir@/configure".
any pointers???

sriram thaiyar

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