any new projects and ideas

Thomas A. Bryan tbryan at
Tue Oct 19 21:22:56 EDT 1999

ruchir wrote:

>     im new to linux and also python, i took the tutorial 
> but im looking for some ideas to use python for. If anyone 
> has some interesting ideas, pls let me know

I have some, but I won't tell you.  

No, really.  I'm serious...that's the point.  I don't use 
Python at work, but I enjoy it so much that I often program 
little projects in Python in my free time.  When you're 
programming in your free time, you really want to be doing 
something that interests *you*.  That's why I won't tell you.
Everything I find interesting, I want to implement myself 
when I have enough time.

I'm not sure what interests you.  If you're new to programming
in any language, you might want to start with something simple
with very clear goals.  You could parse /etc/group and spit 
out requested fields based on command line switches, learning
about Python's file objects and the string and getopt modules.
You could write a little calculator app or a check balancing 
routine.  There are a lot of things.  Just think of something 
that interests you.  Then take a tiny piece, and implement that
piece.  Once you get it working, you have something to build on.
Expand the program, adding features as you learn.  At some point, 
you'll probably realize previous design errors and rewrite some
or all of the first part you implemented.  Before you know it, 
you'll be programming.

If you've already done that sort of project in other languages, 
then browse the contributed Python modules at
You could also look at the member pages at
You could take something that interests you (games, numerical analysis, 
etc.) and play with packages others have written.  Look at the source, 
modify it, extend it, see if the original author has some "wanted" 
features that he doesn't have time to implement.  Download PySol and
implement a new card game in the framework, make a new Python MegaWidget 
for PMW, etc.


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