Newbie question: files..

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sun Oct 10 00:51:45 EDT 1999

[Sonny Parlin]
> I have a file of 1000 lines that I'm simply trying to read in and display
> using python. The code I have is here:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> file = open('testfile.txt', 'r')
> for line in file.readlines(): # read file
>     s = line[:-1] # get rid of newline
>     print s #print string
> file.close()
> I think I have some unnecessary steps in that program, because here is the
> Perl equivalent:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> open(FD, "testfile.txt");
> while(<FD>) {
>     print $_;
> }
> close(FD);
> The Perl example is smaller and runs a few milliseconds faster, so could
> someone please point out the deficiencies in my python script?

Your Perl is much too wordy <wink>:

open(F,"testfile.txt");print <F>;

Others will respond with trivial simplifications to the Python code too, but
who cares?  Nobody wins a Fabulous Prize for saving a keystroke.

gotta-save-3-just-to-qualify-ly y'rs  - tim

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