Q: Python 2.0 preliminary features?

Phil Hunt philh at vision25.demon.co.uk
Tue Oct 12 15:39:20 EDT 1999

In article <slrn7vvh66.4cj.neelk at brick.cswv.com>
           neelk at alum.mit.edu "Neel Krishnaswami" writes:
> Yes, Python 2.0 will be Perfect(tm). :) Other than that, only Guido 
> knows for sure. 
> Some of the more common requests are:
> o Elimination of the class/C-type dichotomy. C extension types (like
>   dictionaries and lists) should be real Python classes. 

I'd like this too.

> o Lexical scoping, a la Scheme. 

What is this?

Another feature I would like is multi-line comments. Consider a 
paragraph of commented text under the present system; every time 
you want to add a few new lines to the comment you have to 
manually put in `#'s at the start of each new comment line, which I 
find irritating because it breaks the flow of what I am trying to 

Multi-line comments, like the one this paragraph is surrounded in,
are better, becasue there is no comment character at the sart of 
every new line. So I can write more text, adding to my comment,
without this annoyance.

Some people might argue that it is only a minor annoyance. But I
would reply that well-written, explanative comments are a good
thing, and that anything that encourages them, or makes them
easier to write, is also good.

Phil Hunt - - - - - - - - -  philh at vision25.demon.co.uk
   - Linux was 8 years old on 17th September! See: -

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