Musings about Python syntax

steve_allison at steve_allison at
Wed Oct 20 05:28:01 EDT 1999

wtanksle at (William Tanksley) wrote:

> Someone else poionted out that member functions versus unqualified
> function calls are not a valid way to distinguish OO from non-OO.

Yes, I appreciate this, it's really the mixture of the two forms of
syntax that I was querying.  Guido's point ( len() guarentees return
type, enforces sequence-ness ) seems a stronger reason.  Nearly all of
my recent OO coding has been done with Java, a language that came as
such a breath of fresh air after C++ that it has shaped my ideas about
how OO should be done, regardless of it's adherence to the principles
of OO.  As a result I tend to expect lists to behave like vectors, and
expect everything to be done with member functions.  My bad, really.

> 'del' operates on the variable, not the object contained in
> it.  You can del ANY variable, regardless of whether the object it's
> holding implements a __del__ method.

<Penny Drops>  Okay, cheers.

> I hope this helps.  Good luck.

Yes, thanks everyone!

Happy Pythoning.

Steve Allison
Never reads dejanews mail

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