Making regular expressions more friendly

Magnus L. Hetland mlh at
Sat Oct 9 12:18:30 EDT 1999

Ian Clarke <I.Clarke at> writes:

> > check out ping's module:
> > 
> >
> This module is excellent.  If I had the power to do it, I would
> encourage use of this in preference to the more conventional way of
> writing regexps.  Just as few people would condone writing C code with
> no whitespace formatting, I will now consider using the built-in method
> bad programming practice, and would encourage others to do the same.

Well - I still don't like the non-standard welcome() and banish()...
And it doesn't cover all of the functionality of the re module...
Perhaps a revised version could be made.

> Ian.


  Magnus          Echelon jamming noise:
  Lie             FBI CIA NSA Handgun Assault Bomb Drug Terrorism
  Hetland         Special Forces Delta Force AK47 Hillary Clinton 

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