"What is the name of the function/method that called me?"

Andrew Dalke dalke at bioreason.com
Fri Oct 15 19:23:38 EDT 1999

Jim Althoff <jima at aspectdv.com>:
> So does
> >>>try:
> >>>  raise: "Hack"
> >>>except "Hack"
> only work by happenstance because the standard 
> Python implementation keeps a reusable list
> of literals (guessing) or because there is something
> formal in the language that says it must work?

I'm guessing the former, since:

>>> s = "A" + "B"
>>> try:
...     raise "AB"
... except s:
...     print "Ok"
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
>>> s
>>> try:
...     raise "AB"
... except "AB":
...     print "Ok"
>>> try:
...     raise s
... except "AB":
...     print "Ok"
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?

So string literals work, likely because they are interned to
the same object, but equivalent strings don't work.  I believe
there is some history to things working this way because
exceptions in Python used to be string only.

BTW, my standard code for generating exceptions is

except ZeroDivisionError:
  print "Ok"

which doesn't have the string problem.

						Andrew Dalke
						dalke at acm.org

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