Tkinter: Doing <Expose> yourself

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Fri Oct 22 14:12:08 EDT 1999

Randall Hopper:
 |     A simple question I haven't found the answer to yet.  How can I tell
 |Tk to stop refreshing a widget's window; I want to take care of that.
 |     In particular, I have another X client (IBM Data Explorer) displaying
 |in a Tk widget's window.  Works fine, but I need to suppress the refresh
 |routine for the Tk widget so it doesn't toast the window contents that the
 |client just drew.  How?

The Tcl list archives reveal the answer:

    > Try setting the background of the frame or toplevel window to {}.
    > e.g.
    >       . configure -bg {}


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