re question

Cliff Crawford cjc26 at
Fri Oct 15 19:18:58 EDT 1999

Pada Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:26:50 -0700, Max M. Stalnaker bilang:
| I have the following code:
|  def subset(self):
| Essentially, I get a html page, change some tags to %%% and extract the
| stuff between.  But the way I do it above fails if the stuff between has a
| single %.  The main goal is to extract the stuff.  The changing the tags is
| just the way I tried and had sometime success.

Actually, ignore my last post. :)  There's a better way: use '.', which will
match any character, instead of '[^%]': 

>>> str=r"blah blah blah %%%important stuff to be extracted%%%more useless junk"
>>> import re
>>>"%%%(.+)%%%", str)
>>> group.groups()
('important stuff to be extracted',)

cliff crawford
            There are more stars in the sky than there are
-><-        grains of sand on all the beaches of the world.

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