Is httpdapy ready for primetime?

Erno Kuusela erno at
Sun Oct 24 14:25:19 EDT 1999

On 24 Oct 1999 13:24:16 -0400, Lloyd Zusman <ljz at> wrote:
>I've been reading this thread with interest.  In general, I like the
>fact that httpdapy re-uses the same interpreter similarly to the way
>that mod_perl does it, and for the types of applications I write, that
>indeed is quite worthwhile.  I'd rather have that capability and then
>do my own forks and execs when I really want to, than to be running
>under the constraint where I could never re-use an existing
>interpreter, as in PyApache.  And since I have a private site where I
>do all the programming, API compatibiluty with CGI is not important to

yes. any big python program is too slow with cgi. there are
other solutions to this than httpdapy.
some time ago i used bobo and pcgi. bobo is now a part
of zope, but iirc they still package it separately,
under the name ZPublisher. it isn't cgi-compatible either,
it works like

class Quux:
	def mymethod(self, foo, bar). ...
quux = quux()
and then you call it with an url, like
http://somewhere/bobo/quux/mymethod?foo=4&bar=barney. it's pretty

then therre is fastcgi, which is a general mechanism for
this, there is a fastcgi module for apache, and then
there are fastcgi modules for eg perl and python. i
think there is a c library too. see

i just found an interesting python fastcgi page:

      The wrapper was written to use Robin Dunn´s module in a
      multi-threaded Python program. The idea is to have one single
      persistent Python server that handles all requests.  Instead of
      serializing all requests this wrapper spawns a new thread for
      every incoming request.

>And since we're discussing httpdapy, I'd also like to raise a related
>issue: I have never been able to get httpdapy to properly install
>under my particular Apache server set-up.  I'm wondering if there's
>anyone who has been able to get httpdapy up and running under the
>following configuration:
>  Python 1.5.2
>  Apache 1.3.9 with the following modules:
>    mod_perl 1.21 (non-DSO)
>    php4 (DSO)

i had troubles too, and ended up downgading my apache. no idea what the
problem is - apache segfaulted when trying to invoke httpdapi.

this occurred under the debian gnu/linux unstable version
(potato). it works fine with stable.

   -- erno

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