Printing with PythonWin

sumir sumir at
Sat Oct 16 21:22:41 EDT 1999

I just tried your code and I have no problem.  The OK button works for
Running PythonWin 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12)[MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Windows 95

Phil Mayes wrote:

> I'm trying to print using PythonWin, and when I do:
>     import win32ui
>     win32ui.CreatePrintDialog(1538).DoModal()
> the OK button is inactive, maybe because MFC communicates via a
> PRINTDLG structure for which there seems to be no PythonWin support.
> There -is- documentation for a useful-looking PyCPrintInfo object
> which:
>   "Encapsulates an MFC CPrintInfo class, its member CPrintDialog
>   class, and the PRINTDLG structure member of the CPrintDialog."
> but I can't find any way to create one, and the source for the
> member functions isn't linked in with the std PythonWin modules.
> Have I overlooked something, or am I entering (da-da-da-dum)
> the development zone?
> [More background: I'm not using CView, the text to print is in a
> RICHEDIT control.]
> TIA,  Phil
> Phil Mayes    pmayes AT olivebr DOT com

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