Funny Names (was Re: Just like in our DNA...)

Siggy Brentrup bsb at
Wed Oct 6 10:45:21 EDT 1999


I really don't want to take part in that silly DNA thread, hence the
change in subject.

François Pinard <pinard at> writes:


> You would not believe the number of times I did have to type this stupid
> `robotussin' program name over the years, having not much clue from time
> to time how I should exactly spell it.  The usual English dictionaries
> and textbooks I consult would not give a clue.

Don't cry too much, if you don't like to type that word there alway is
`alias' or if that's not available write a simple wrapper script.

Maybe there are  associations in french I don't know of? In german
"Tussi" is a quite despective(? despektierlich in german) slang word
for "young woman". I'd always take identifiers from a foreign language 
with a grain of salt.

> In an international community of free software developers, we try to use
> a reasonable level of English, and it is a real pleasure that people are
> impeccable, on the average.  And if it gets difficult, there is no problem
> if the difficulty brings with it some bits of culture, literature, movies,
> theatre; this is all good, nice, and very welcome.  But when the difficulty
> gets reduced to a local-centric commercial trademark for some insignificant
> drug, by all the hell tell me, which kind of culture is that...

Take it easy François, you're living in an - at least partially -
english speaking country :) so your odds at grok-ing those jokes stand
a lot better than mine.

As a non-native english speaker I always find it amusing to
learn from associations like this about the culture of the creator.
Aren't the US the marketing hype country per se? (No pun intended).


Siggy Brentrup - bsb at - http://www,

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