recursive copy in a directory tree?

Mike Fletcher mcfletch at
Wed Oct 13 22:57:12 EDT 1999

This class has fairly primitive support for only copying newer files,
gathers a list of all directory/files before copying, so you could pop up a
window allowing the user to review the proposed copy set, allows for
filtering both directories and files (i.e. you can skip subdirectories by
glob specification), and allows you to specify a different copy function, in
case you need something more advanced/funky.  Since the whole thing is a
class, and has been broken down into a large number of methods, in theory,
you could create subclasses to do whatever you like.

This is not a good example of python programming. It is released into the
public domain to corrupt the minds of others, with no guarantee of fitness,
applicability, stability etc. Use at your own risk! It is not high-quality
code.  It does almost no error checking. It is considered extremely
dangerous, potentially armed, and should be shot on sight. Citizens are
warned not to attempt to approach it, but should instead, call their local
FBI headquarters (found in phone book under Brother, Big) and barricade
their hard drives.  I do not think I'm likely to fix anything in here (I
just wrote it in response to this question, don't have much use for it
myself), so feel free to tinker.

A committed programmer would likely want to add some sort of command-line
interface as well, but I'm too lazy :-P .

Enjoy yourself,

8<______________________________ ___________
import glob, os, shutil, stat, string
class CopyDirectory:
	def __init__ (self, source, destination, pattern="*", directorypattern =
				  overwriteolder=1, copyfile = shutil.copyfile):
		self.sourcedirectory = source
		self.destinationdirectory = destination
		self.pattern = pattern
		self.directorypattern = directorypattern
		self.overwriteolder = overwriteolder
		self.directorylist = []
		self.filelist = []
		self.copyfile = copyfile
	def process (self):
		print "Gathering file list"
		self.walk ()
		print "Building directory tree and copying files"
		self.go ()
	def walk (self):
		Gather the list of directories and files to copy
		os.path.walk(self.sourcedirectory, self._copydir, self )
	def go (self):
		Perform the primary function of copying a directory
		given an already constructed directory and file list
		(generally created by walk)
		for directory in self.directorylist:
			# following is built in to this class
			self.copydirectory (directory)
		for source, destination in self.filelist:
			print "%s --> %s"%(source, destination)
			# following is an argument to the constructor
			self.copyfile (source, destination)
	def _copydir( self, arg, directory, files):
		Perform copying for a particular directory
		#print directory
		# collect files, use files if we have '*' pattern
		workingfiles = self._files (directory, files)
		# filter subdirectories, modifies files in-place
		self._subdirectories (directory, files)
		destinationdirectory = self._directorysetup( directory )
		# should provide option for not overwriting files
		# possibly with date checks etc.
		# For extra marks, just collect this information
		# and return a list of copies to be made,
		# so the user can review before copying.
		# Do the copying
		#print workingfiles
		for file in workingfiles:
			source = os.path.join( directory, file)
			destination = os.path.join( destinationdirectory, file)
			if self.overwriteolder and os.path.exists( destination):
				if os.stat( source )[stat.ST_MTIME] >
os.stat( destination )[stat.ST_MTIME]:
					# we don't care if it's older, or it is older (hopefully)
					self.filelist.append( (source, destination) )
					print "skip %s (source not newer)"%(source)
				self.filelist.append( (source, destination) )
	def _subdirectories ( self, directory, default):
		Filters the list of subdirectories which will be copied
		# following modifies which directories are copied
		# does so by modifying file list in place (see os.path.walk)
		if self.directorypattern != "*":
			default[:] = glob.glob( os.path.join( directory, self.directorypattern) )
	def _files( self, directory, default):
		create the filtered list of files
		def dirfilter( values,directory=directory):
			result = []
			for value in values:
				if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join( directory, value)):
					result.append( value)
			return result
		# following is for local processing
		if self.pattern != "*":
			return dirfilter( glob.glob( os.path.join( directory, self.pattern) ) )
			return dirfilter( default )
	def _directorysetup (self,directory):
		Ensure that the destination directory is available
		build it if it is not
		#print "setup directory", directory
		# should make this manipulation more robust
		# currently assumes all sorts of things :(
		prefix = os.path.commonprefix( (self.sourcedirectory, directory) )
		extendeddirectory = directory[len(prefix):]
		# get rid of preceding /, so won't be interpreted as root
		if extendeddirectory and extendeddirectory [0] == os.sep:
			extendeddirectory = extendeddirectory[1:]
		destinationdirectory = os.path.join (self.destinationdirectory,
		#print "  destinationdirectory", destinationdirectory
		self.directorylist.append( destinationdirectory)
		return destinationdirectory
	def copydirectory(self, directory):
		Called after tree building,
		creates needed directories
		# create directory if not already there
		#if not os.path.exists( directory ):
			os.mkdir( directory )
			print "made directory", directory
		except os.error:

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