Puzzled with Time Server conversion problems?

root root at baal.hk.rfa.org
Thu Oct 7 08:06:36 EDT 1999

D'Arcy J.M. Cain <darcy at vex.net> wrote:
>> Except years devisable by 4000 which are NOT leap years!
>> ------------------------------
> Nope.  There is no such 4000 rule.  It's a myth.  If you believe
> otherwise, please provide references.  This is one of those perenial

Hey, I saw it on the internet - what more proof do I need?

>> I thought there was a third rule in addition to %100 & %400 for
>> millenia.

> No.  However, the 400 rule special cases 2000.  Perhaps that's what
> you were thinking of.

Nope, I was thinking exactly of the 4000 year leap-year
cult myth.  At that moment, all of us will be levitated
off the earth to go sunbathing on a hidden asteroid
circling Venus.  That's on the internet to, or soon
will be.
Bill Eldridge
Radio Free Asia
bill at hk.rfa.org

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