OO Details

Tim Peters tim_one at email.msn.com
Sat Oct 9 16:58:47 EDT 1999

[Dirk Leas]
> I was looking through the language reference (www.python.org) and was
> unable to find details about how the OO features work. Specifically, I'm
> wondering how ambiguous methods are resolved in multiple inheritance

Section 3.2 of the Python (not Library) Reference Manual.  The index is very
useful for this; e.g., look under "attribute, class" or "attribute, class
instance" or "class, attribute" or "class instance, attribute" or ... it's
hard not to find it <wink>.

The short answer is a depth-first "left to right" search.

> and stuff like that.

Sorry, too vague to guess what that means.

> Where are some good detail references?

Among the language and library and tutorial manuals, it's all there already.
The FAQ contains many glosses.  If something turns out not to be specified,
ask here, and someone will make up a convincing-sounding answer as if it
were obvious <wink>.

e.g.-nothing-is-said-about-floating-point-behavior-ly y'rs  - tim

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