Is httpdapy ready for primetime?

Oleg Broytmann phd at
Sun Oct 24 06:40:24 EDT 1999

On 24 Oct 1999, Erno Kuusela wrote:
> hmm, are you using PyApache (instead of vanilla CGI) because
> of speed?
> i did some benchmarking a while back, and found PyApache to be
> about as dog slow as CGI. i supposed this is because PyApache
> creates a new interpreter & imports all modules for each
> request. it's not the fork()ing that's slow with cgi, it's the
> userspace initialization of the cgi program...

   Not only because of speed, but also because of resources - Apache does
not need to fork off CGI, and this is big advantage for busy server.

> httpdapy seems to be very fast, (10-100x faster than CGI or PyApache in

   But it is too incompatible. It requires to write its own modules, where
PyApache just run standard CGIs. What if you and I would get a server whoose
sysadmin wouldn't not allow to use these modules? My CGIs will run just fine
under standard python interpreter, what about httpdapy CGIs?

    Oleg Broytmann      Foundation for Effective Policies      phd at
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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