Newbie question

MaƮtre Soubi soubies at
Wed Oct 27 14:04:20 EDT 1999

I am a French student, and I'm gathering information for a project I have to
I am currently pondering the possibility that I use Zope as an intranet
server, but I need some information in order to know if it is worth learning
the Python language from scratch.
I need to write an application that would take all forms of documents (.doc,
.xls, etc...), then send it to Zope to be published on the intranet, and
keep a trace of the date somewhere.
This application should be as easy to use and as user-friendly as possible,
since most of its users won't know much about computers.
I plan to make an icon, to which you would drag your document, and then all
the conversions and the publishing would be done  automatically.
Do you know if it is possible, and if it is, how hard is it?
Is Python the language I should use for such a task?

Thanks in advance.

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