Help! calling tar from Python on Linux

Preston Landers prestonlanders at
Mon Oct 11 11:38:18 EDT 1999

 Hello all!

Thanks to everyone who responded to the thread about Python 2.0.

I'm back with a more pragmatic question this time.

I'm trying to untar a large file from within a Python script.

I'm calling tar like this:

filename = "/tmp/data.tar.gz"

status, result = commands.getstatusoutput("tar xzvf %s" % filename)

if status:
   print "error! tar said:\n%s" % result

   # continue

The problem is that every time I get an error status from tar, though
tar seems to completely extract all files.  I get this as the last 2
lines of output:

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
tar: Child returned status 1

If I try to perform this same operation from the command line, it works
fine.  But if I try to do it in Python, I get this error status.  Has
anybody seen anything like this?

Like I said, all the data seems to extract fine.  It's just that my
program looks for the non-zero error condition and stops there.



|| Preston Landers <prestonlanders at> ||

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