Returning none

Skip Montanaro skip at
Fri Sep 3 14:01:38 EDT 1999

    G> So put me firmly in the camp that favors a stronger PyLint (I just
    G> recently got bit by a rarely used bare return in some released code).

    C> This is akin to saying array-bounds checking should be done by PyLint
    C> rather than the runtime. The problem is, a lot of these checks simply
    C> can't be done statically.

I'll assert here without proof that the primary mistake programmers are
likely to make in this regard is to include both "return <some value>" and
"return" (or the terminating byte code) in the same function.  This sort of
error a program like PyLint could indeed check.  There's be no need to add
the overhead of checking for incorrect function/procedure return semantics
at run-time.

    C> In fact, while I was originally proposing some compile-time checks as
    C> well, I've basically given up on those. They were mostly incomplete
    C> (Python is too dynamic to be able to do much static checking in this
    C> situation) and Tim found a real problem with them.

Perhaps I missed something (this thread is getting rather long and drawn
out).  What sort of situation would PyLint miss that my proposed static
check wouldn't catch?

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

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