DSL Conference Hotel & Pre-Reg Savings Deadline - Sept 13, 1999
Moun Chau
moun at usenix.org
Fri Sep 10 20:20:07 EDT 1999
October 3-5, 1999
Omni Hotel, Austin, Texas, USA
Sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association
In cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN and ACM SIGSOFT
Hotel and Registration Savings Rate Ends
Monday, September 13, 1999
The Omni Hotel is offering the USENIX Conference
special rate through Monday only, and after that the rate will
increase. Please make sure to say that you are attending the
USENIX Conference to get the discount rate.
Single/Double Occupancy - $125
Omni Austin Hotel - Downtown
700 San Jacinto at 8th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Local telephone: 1-512-476-3700
DSL Conference Topics include:
* Different Approaches To DSL Construction
* New DSLs For Problem Domains such as Specifying Hardware Circuits
and Robot Control Protocols
* Creating Data-Intensive Web Sites and Collaborative Applications
* Domain-Specific Languages for Programming and Security in Active
Networks, by Carl A. Gunter, University of Pennsylvania
* A Methodology for Designing Domain-Specific Languages Using Program
Specialization, by Charles Consel, IRISA/University of Rennes
* Language Technology for Performance and Security
* The Next 700 Markup Languages
See USENIX website for complete conference details
and Online Registration
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