Pickling: how do I ask an intelligent question?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Thu Sep 23 10:19:50 EDT 1999

Gustin Kiffney <kiffney at my-deja.com> wrote:
> I mean, I can get pickle to pickle a list or whatever to a file, and get
> it back out, but how would you construct and pickle a collection of
> information like named parameters, strings, data tuples, etc and
> then USE it on the other side, modify it, fill in the data,and send
> it back?  I KNOW this is obvious to the enlightened but one simple
> code example is worth a million jargon terms to abstraction-
> impaired ex-assembly-programmers like me.

not a complete answer to all your questions, but
you might find XML RPC somewhat interesting for
the kind of work you're doing:



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