V - GUIDO !!! was Re: Pirate -> RAD

Hever, Zsolt never at matavnet.hu
Sun Sep 5 16:00:21 EDT 1999

I have something in Tkinter. I offer it if there is a question on the
mailing list and I think it could be useful in connection with it;-)

The code is at:
http://www.nexus.hu/hever/prog/vu/visualut.py <=main program
http://www.nexus.hu/hever/prog/vu/frameobj.py <= module
http://www.nexus.hu/hever/prog/vu/vu.gif    <= help, a picture of the

You can save a canvas theme and load it later by the program. (It loads
after you have opened a canvas .) You can move, connect and delete the
elements on the canvas. It is a simple demo.
There is no code generation. I thought that some day there will be a
property window.
I have found a good example in the Python source code
/demo/tkinter/guido/AttrDialog.py for it.

I hope that it might give some idea, however it isn't wxPython.


> From: David Oppenheimer <davidopp at megsinet.net>
> To: python-list at python.org
> Subject: V - GUIDO !!!  was Re: Pirate -> RAD
> Date: 1999. szeptember 5. 6:27
> I have an idea for creating a  WYSIWYG  GUI builder for Python that will
allow you
> to create slick looking GUI's just by dragging and dropping elements into
a visual
> design space that will output code into wxPython.  After a user was
satisfied with
> the appearance of the GUI, the program would output the code into
wxPython code
> which would be seamlessly integrated with the code that had already been
> inside of a design space (make it so that it would work flawlessly as
either a
> component of the major IDE's including PythonWin, IDLE, Python in a DOS
box or
> have it callable from a command line).  It will also be able to take
written code
> and show a preview of what your GUI would look like without having to
first save
> the program and run it thru the Python interpreter.  This would allow you
> instantly see the effect of changes made to your code. It would be
awesome to
> integrate it seamlessly with the PythonWin IDE and also be callable from
> command line in IDLE or Python in a DOS box.
> If you would like to join with me in this creative endeavor (code name V
> which stands for Visual Graphical User Interface Development Optimizer),
I would
> be happy to share the details with you.
> Sincerely,
> David Oppenheimer
> P.S. This is still just in the brainstorming stage right now.  I am doing
> conceptual planning right now; features, how it should look, how it
should act,
> etc.  I would ask anyone who is serious about doing such a project to
join forces
> with me and see if we can make something happen.
> Martin Oti wrote:
> > Jacques Oosthuizen wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All
> > >
> > > I am busy working on a tool I named Pirate ("Python RAD") it has a
> > > library similar to Delphi and shall in the future work with
win32,gtk,qt. It
> > > will have a IDE.
> > >
> > > Before I do to much and work to hard on it, will anyone be interested
> > > using a
> > > tool like this.
> >
> > Absolutely! I'm new to Python and the more I find out about it, the
> > I like it. :) One major aspect which I miss is a good RAD GUI-building
> > tool.
> >
> > I use Visual Basic at work, mainly for within-company scripting and
> > automation tasks, and I often need to whip stuff up pretty fast. I've
> > already started to use Python as much as possible and with a RAD
> > GUI-building tool I will be able to ditch VB for good. :) There are
> > lovely Python GUI toolkits out there, but I'm no expert programmer and
> > need to whip GUIs up pretty fast.
> >
> > Considering the masses of Visual basic programmers out there, I think a
> > visual RAD GUI-builder/IDE for Python will have a large audience. It
> > would be particularly handy for those (like me ;) who would also like
> > VB-like functionality on Linux. Indeed, considering that KOffice will
> > use Python as it's extension language, Python could then become the
> > scripting-language-for-the-masses on Linux the way VB is on MS Windows.
> >
> > Martin
> >
> > PS: A zillion thanks to Mark Hammond for the PyWin IDE, Robin Dunn for
> > wxPython (which I only just discovered yesterday), and the entire
> > community for a great programming/scripting language/tool. :)
> >
> > PS2: I don't know what this would involve, but it would be handy if the
> > GUI-Builder could also interface with (soon to be) existing Python GUI
> > toolkits (like TkInter, wxPython and Parrot). I have no clue how
> > difficult it would be to separate the front-end from the back-end.
> >
> > PS3: Pirate and Parrot. How ironic. ;) Is this a coincidence?
> >
> > ------------
> > Trying is the first step towards failure.
> >        -- Homer Simpson
> -- 
> http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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