Newbies: Re: Returning none
Skip Montanaro
skip at
Fri Sep 3 08:33:09 EDT 1999
Paul> #1. a=list.sort("abc"): "None object has no attribute foo"
For those people who like to think that sort returns a new list, the sort
method could be modified to return the list, but this would make people
think that a and list pointed to different objects. Then they'd complain
that when modifying the object referred to by list, the object referred to
by a also changed.
It's worth noting is that those people who are clamoring for a distinction
between functions and procedures will have to figure out how to implement
procedures in the C runtime, not just at the Python level.
Paul> #2. alert( print_traceback() ): "None"
This seems like a semantic problem on the programmer's part more than
anything. You're clearly asking the function to do something by
side-effect. Why would you also expect it to return a useful value? If I
wanted the traceback in a return value I'd expect the function to be named
"get_traceback" or "extract_tb" or something similar.
Paul> #3. Forgetting to return a value.
This is precisely the case that the default None return helps with. If the
programmer sees "None" when popping up the dialog box during testing, it's a
clear indication to go back and look at the function that generated the data
the dialog box is displaying.
Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
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