screen FLY by, where is the pause? Debug needed

Ben Thomas bthomas at
Wed Sep 15 09:13:10 EDT 1999

I am woirking on my first python script. I am trying to find out why I
am not geting the results I expect. Is there a way to pause these
'system' calls so the screens don't fly by so fast? I can't see the dos
error messages.  I checked my book and deja but I don't see the answer.

from string import *
from DateTime import *
from os import *

system('dir >d:\\data\\vacman\\time_start.txt')
system('map root t:=terra\vol1:prog_w31\vacman')
system('dir >d:\\data\\vacman\\aftermap.txt')

timestamptext = now()
timestamptext = str(timestamptext)
timestamptext = replace(timestamptext, ' ', '_at_')
timestamptext = replace(timestamptext, ':', '_')
timestamptext = replace(timestamptext, '.', '_')
timestamptext = 'dc_vacman_' + timestamptext

vac_zip = 'pkzip -add -rec ' + timestamptext + ' t:\*.*'
print 'here is zip command   ' + vac_zip

vac_zip = str(vac_zip)

system('dir >d:\\data\\vacman\\pre_zip.txt')
system('dir >d:\\data\\vacman\\post_zip.txt')

system('dir >time_stop.txt')

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