NT Services In Python?

G. David Kuhlman dkuhlman at netcom.com
Mon Sep 27 16:23:02 EDT 1999

[Enter from stage left, an (embedded Python) hammer in search of a
nail.  It speaks.]

I'm a little slow, but after two days, I realized that I do this. 
We embedded Python in our application and run our application as a
service under the Netscape or Microsoft Web servers.

Depending on your needs, this might be the hard way to do an easy
task (never stopped me), but you could embed the Python interpreter
in a C/C++ app and run that as a service. Of course, then you have
to learn how to write services in C/C++.

If you have no need for the extra capabilities that embedded Python
gives you, then don't do this.  But, if you do ...

  - Dave

Bill Rodgers (Bill at nospam.com) wrote:
> Has anyone done this?  I don't see any mention of it
> in the latest release.  Any info greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --
> Bill Rodgers
> Enterprise Management Consultant
> Specialty: BMC/Patrol
> brodg1 at ix.netcom.com

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