1.5.2 NT install question(s) - partial answer
Mark Jackson
mjackson at wc.eso.mc.xerox.com
Fri Sep 10 21:58:06 EDT 1999
kernr at mail.ncifcrf.gov (Robert Kern) writes:
> On 10 Sep 1999 03:17:40 GMT, mjackson at wc.eso.mc.xerox.com (Mark
> Jackson) wrote:
> >mjackson at wc.eso.mc.xerox.com (Mark Jackson) writes:
> [snip]
> >Still working on this one. Reinstalling Python and Tcl outside Program
> >Files changes the error message:
> >Note that tk.tcl is present, in D:/Tcl/lib/tk8.0, contrary to the error
> >message. I've exercised some of the Tk demos directly and they seem
> >OK. Suggestions?
> From the bottom of
> http://www.pythonware.com/people/fredrik/fyi/fyi02.htm
> """I Get "bad event type or keysym MouseWheel"
> This means that you're using a fresh Tk library (the .tcl files found
> under something/library) with an old DLL. Maybe you have old Tcl/Tk
> DLL's in the system directory (see above)."""
Yes, hunting down rogue instances of tk*.dll and tcl*.dll (found in
System32), deleting them, and adding D:/Tcl/bin to PATH fixed the
problem. Thanks also to Fredrik Lundh for a similar note (and for
maintaining the web page in question!).
Mark Jackson - http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~mjackson
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