Some suggestion for a GUI kit evolved on Perl

Tim Peters tim_one at
Thu Apr 6 22:18:49 EDT 2000

>> label = OrcLabel
>> NewOrcWindow(
>>     title = "Test"
>> ).Add(
>>     OrcVGroup(
>>         OrcButton,
>>         label
>>     )
>> ).Show()

> Yes, this appears to be the best way. I thought that Python
> statements could only be continued onto a new line if a '\' was
> supplied, but perhaps I was wrong.

An unclosed bracketing structure (left paren, square or curly bracket)

> I don't like the way the Label has to be pre-made (not created in the
> constructor) in order to keep a reference.

It's thoroughly idiomatic Python, though, so even if you could dream up a
way around that it wouldn't be accepted -- Python programmers aren't
accustomed to staring at the insides of expressions for side-effects.  This
is considered to be a feature <wink>.

clash-of-philosophies-ly y'rs  - tim

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