win32all-130 for Python 1.6 available

Wolfgang Strobl Wolfgang.Strobl at
Wed Apr 5 06:45:32 EDT 2000

"Mark Hammond" <mhammond at> wrote:

>Delete _all_ "Toolbar*" subkeys - probably 20 or so in total!

Worked, Thanks.

The editors new "folding" feature is great, btw.  Im currently using it
for browsing the Zope sources, and especially like the "Toggle
top-level" key. Its a great tool for viewing a programs overall

May I take the opportunity to suggest another feature? The Zope sources,
like many others packages, have each and every file starting with a
lengthy, boring copyright message, license, or something similar, which
doesn't aid in understanding a programs structure in any way.  Wouldn't
it be nice if "Toggle top-level" and "Collapse all" would collapse
comment blocks, too?

      o      (    Wolfgang.Strobl at          (+49 2241) 14-2394
     /\        *  GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH
   _`\ `_<===     Schloss Birlinghoven,           | #include
__(_)/_(_)___.-._ D-53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany | <std.disclaimer>

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