regulare expression searches and newlines

jschmitt at jschmitt at
Mon Apr 24 14:28:23 EDT 2000

I guess I forgot to mention that I got it to work by not looking at the
beginning of the line.  It turns out that for my data set, not looking
for targets only at the beginning of a line was ok.

I guess if I'm running Python in Windows and I'm searching inside (I'm
assuming) a Linux or a Mac text file, Python thinks the file is just
one long line.

For the general case, the answer is to make the text files native to
your platform.


In article <f2TM4.3782$Za1.55405 at>,
  "Fredrik Lundh" <effbot at> wrote:
> schmitthead at wrote:
> > I was doing a search like this:
> >
> > searchobj = re.compile( r'^foobarbaz' )
> >
> > where I was looking for something at the beginning of a line.  This
> > works well for native text files, but not when I was searching
> > Linux files running on NT or NT files on Linux or some other
> > because of the newline difference, I guess.  Is there any way to
> > the general case?
> there's nothing wrong with your regular expression.
> I suggest printing the strings you're trying to match against,
> to see if you can figure out what's wrong.
> if that doesn't help, post the code.
> </F>

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