
Donald Beaudry donb at
Wed Apr 26 08:01:01 EDT 2000

quinn at (Quinn Dunkan) wrote,
> Anyway, even if you could figure out the ambiguity problem, I don't
> think metaclasses would help you, bytecodehacks might.

*If* bytecodehacks could help, metaclasses could be used to make
calling them neat and clean.  The idea is that during class
instantiation the metaclass would, using bytecodehacks, rewrite all of
the class's methods.  This might confuse the poor guy who comes along
and tries to derive a new class from one of these 'self less'.

Donald Beaudry                                     Ab Initio Software Corp.
                                                   201 Spring Street
donb at                                      Lexington, MA 02421
                  ...So much code, so little time...

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