Installer Problem Finding Modules

Gordon Williams g_will at
Wed Apr 5 00:17:31 EDT 2000


I am trying to run Gordon McMillan's Installer (3f on W95) and I am having
a problem with it finding the modules that I am importing into the main
program.  The first part of my program goes like

"The main module for running the bitscope program"
import traceback
import GlobalVar
from Menu import myMenu
from MyCanvas import plotCanvas
from OperationMode import opModePanel
from TriggerPanel import triggerPanel
from SampleRatePanel import sampleRatePanel
from AnalogSourcePanel import analogSourcePanel
from SampleButtonPanel import sampleButtonPanel
import Registers
from wxPython.wx import *

g= GlobalVar

Registers.openPort()		#sets up the port for IO

... and then goes on to define classes etc.

The installer ignores the all the imports except for the wxPython stuff
which it appears to get all of.  Any ideas where I may be going wrong.  I
hope that I dont have to list all these modules as dependancies as some of
these modules also call other modules.

Maybe this is a related problem, but I dont think so:
All the modules along with the main module are in a sub directory of the
installer program.  When I run python ..\ from a dos
I was geting an error "can't open 'E:Program" when it it was trying to
start  I ended up changing line 74 to
cmd = '"%s" %s %s %s' % (sys.executable,
                           '../',                      <<< change
is here
                           cfgfile, tkcfg)

to get it to work.


Gordon Williams

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