Why should I switch to Python? - Infinity of Primes

Tim Peters tim_one at email.msn.com
Wed Apr 5 02:07:38 EDT 2000

[Greg Ewing]
> ...
> If someone actually came up with a formula for constructing
> primes, it would be rather large news -- isn't that one of
> the Big Unsolved Problems?

Several such formulas were developed in the 70's, although they're strained.
Paulo Ribenboim's accessible "The Little Book of Big Primes"
(Springer-Verlag, 1991) gives a bunch of 'em in chapter 3, along with 6
other proofs of the infinitude of the primes.

not-that-archimedes-plutonium-will-be-fooled-ly y'rs  - tim

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