Radio-button in Tkinter

ns56645 ns56645 at
Sun Apr 23 00:48:22 EDT 2000

In the following code the radiobuttons that have been set are not seen
as default selected in the output.
For e.g         v1.set(3) # initialize should set the radiobutton with
text 'BOTH' as default.

What could be the wrong with the code?
Please help?


#######        Frame 3  Radio Buttons

        # Create the "Location" contents of the page.
        group = Pmw.Group(frame3, tag_text = 'Location')
        group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 15, pady = 10)

        v1 = IntVar()
        v1.set(3) # initialize
        rb1 = Radiobutton(group.interior(), text = 'SWT', variable=v1,
        rb1.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
        rb2 = Radiobutton(group.interior(), text = 'WHS', variable=v1,
        rb2.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
        rb3 = Radiobutton(group.interior(), text = 'BOTH', variable=v1,
        rb3.grid(row = 0, column = 2)

        # Create the "Level" contents of the page.
        group = Pmw.Group(frame3, tag_text = 'Level')
        group.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 15, pady = 10)

        v2 = IntVar()
        v2.set("13") # initialize
        rb11 = Radiobutton(group.interior(), text = 'Grad', variable=v2,
        rb11.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
        rb12 = Radiobutton(group.interior(), text = 'UnderGrad',
variable=v2, value=12)
        rb12.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
        rb13 = Radiobutton(group.interior(), text = 'BOTH', variable=v2,
        rb13.grid(row = 0, column = 2)

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