Schwartzian Transform in Python?

Art Haas arthur.haas at
Thu Apr 27 11:48:16 EDT 2000

I'm looking for the Python way to do this ...

opendir(DIR,".") || die "Can't open '.'! $!\n"
@sorted =
	map { $_->[0] }
	sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
	map { [ $_ , -M ]} readdir(DIR)
print "Files sorted by date ...\n";
foreach (@times) {
	print "$_\n";

(Yes, its that other 'P' language).

I'm getting lost in the map/sort/map part for python. My python psuedo
code looks like (don't laugh too much)

import os
sorted = map(???,(map(os.stat???,listdir(".").sort())))
print "Files sorted by date ..."
for file in sorted:
	print file

I've been working with that language that dare not speak its name here
for about 5 years, but my python coding has been much much less. A
search on starship provided the nice p***/python page dealing with
lists, hashes/dictionaries, and strings, but I haven't found much
dealing with what is done above. The python documentation doesn't make
clear to me how to do things like "sort a list of lists by the second
field in each sublist", which is what the Schwartzian transform is
based on.

Any help/references would be welcomed.

# Art Haas
# (713) 689-2417

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