Python 1.6 and Python 3000's new features?

Raoul-Sam Daruwala raoul at
Thu Apr 20 16:00:50 EDT 2000

will python3000 have proper scoping? ie. will code like

y = 5
f = lambda x: x * y
t = f(3)

work? or will we still have to play inane games and use

f = lamdba x,y=y:x*y

which, if I'd known about it in time, would have sent me fleeing from python


Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Alessandro Bottoni wrote:
> > [Python 3000] The contents of this version are still under discussion, but
> > will almost certainly be backward-incompatible.
> > [Python 1.6] In addition, Guido will include some existing bug fixes and
> > probably Fredrik Lundh's new regular expressions engine
> >
> > Why Python 3000 should be backward-incompatible? Is it possible to have a
> > "big-picture" of this major version?
> spring cleaning.  get rid of most warts, add typing, clean
> up the (rather messy, by now) standard library.  etc.
> > Why new regular expressions? What was wrong with the "old" re module?
> it doesn't support unicode.
> </F>

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