NameError when assigning dictionary values

Darrell darrell at
Mon Apr 3 01:37:01 EDT 2000

> >>> one, two = [], []
> >>> mydict = { ".": one, "+": two }
> This seems error prone if the the number of variables grows very large
> as it will for me.
So you have a large number of things to add to a dictionary an you don't
like the available syntax.

No problem.
Write in what ever syntax you like, then parse it into a syntax Python can

In a text file:

Then something like this can read the file into the dictionary.

for l in lines:
    key, value = string.split(l,':')

For large data sets I've generated the python source instead of this kind of
loop. Then import the resulting file to generate a .pyc file. Then you have
a huge dictionary that is ready to go.


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