simple httplib and urllib timeout question

Georg Mischler schorsch at
Fri Apr 14 06:23:59 EDT 2000

phd at wrote:
> Georg Mischler wrote:
> > What exactly is your problem with signal.alarm() ?
>    Python delivers alarm only when in Python VM. If the script is
> blocked in C (even worse - in system call), the signal will NOT be
> delivered.
>    Of course, URL checker, while running through a big list of URLs,
> certainly spend most of the time in connect() and recv() system calls.
> This makes signals unusable.

This surprises me, because the snipped I posted is in everyday
use in something very similar to a link checker, and it works
perfectly well there. Reading throught the Python docs on
signals again, I guess that the different behaviour might
be caused by the underlying OS implementation.

I use it on Linux (going to check on FreeBSD soon), and it looks
like Linux will interrupt system level IO calls when a signal
arrives for the process. What platform does it fail on for you?


Georg Mischler  --  simulations developer  --  schorsch at  --  lighting design tools  --

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