Two questions

Steve Holden sholden at
Wed Apr 5 18:25:37 EDT 2000

Timothy Grant wrote:
[ODBC DSN creation details snipped]
> OK, So I've created a system level DSN named TestDB and pointed it at an
> MDB file my server.
> When I do the following in the interactive window...
> import ODBC.Windows
> db = ODBC.Windows.Connect('TestDB')
> ...I get the following error...
> NotSupportedError: ('IM001', 0, '[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver
> does not support this function', 4226)
> What am I doing wrong?
> --
> Stand Fast,
>     tjg.
Here's an extract from a program I'm using to index email in an Access

class SubIndex:
    """Implements indexing of messages by subject and various other keys."""

    def __init__(self):
	self.db = ODBC.Windows.connect("Mail")
	self.CR = self.db.cursor()

This seems to work fine.  Thought you might have a case error in your
code, but it also seems to work if I use

	self.db = ODBC.Windows.Connect("Mail")

so I'm not sure why you are getting this error.  UNLESS you have the database
open in Access as you work?  Might be a weird locking problem?  Can't manage
to reproduce it here, though.

So far I'm working with LOCAL FILES as databases.  There may be a problem
with accessing a file on a network share?  Hold on ... (copies 57 MB file
to server and reconfigures ODBC source) ... dammit, that works too.

Out of bright ideas.  Let me know what you find.  I'm using Windows 98,
with the 3.50.342800 driver.  I could try an NT client if that would


"Bulding information systems just because it's fun."
Steve Holden  sholden at  703 716 7275

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