Testing a module's return

Fredrik Lundh effbot at telia.com
Thu Apr 20 04:40:59 EDT 2000

Joal Heagney <sctheagn at kraken.itc.gu.edu.au> wrote:
> I've found that I have to define several of my modules such that they
> return a string if they fail, rather than 0. (Let's face it, there are a
> lot more things that can go wrong than right). Now I originally wanted
> to have these modules return the values I was after. eg.
> def function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, .... argN):
>     do something with the args, return value
> But as a beginner, *grins* I've found returning error strings a little
> more important
> def function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, .... argN):
>     check for error condition 1:
>         return 'Whoops'
>     check for error condition 2:
>         return 'What are you doing, Dave?'
>     check for error condition 3:
>         return 'That ain't right, or humanly decent either'
>     do something with the args, return something.
> I can't sort out, should I return 0 for a success, and give the answer
> as a set attribute (Eg. a class variable)? Or is there a much neater way
> of doing things? There'd have to be.

if you had read the tutorial, you'd seen the answer: exceptions!

    def function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3, .... argN):
        assert not error condition 1, "Whoops!"
        assert not error condition 2, 'What are you doing, Dave?'
        do something with the args
        return something

for details, see chapter 8 in the tutorial:

more info on the "assert" statement is found here:


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