o'rielly python devcenter

Stephen R. Figgins fig at oreilly.com
Tue Apr 18 19:41:34 EDT 2000

It isn't old news, it just went public last night(Monday) Sort of a soft
launch, as I don't have much in the way of content up yet.  But I am
working on that problem!  I will have some original articles in a couple
of weeks.  

The Network is actually a subsidiary of O'Reilly & Associates, and I am
plenty happy to plug other's books.  (Actually I think the only book I
have linked right now is the venerable Programming Python, and that is
just because I mentioned it in me introduction.) 

The links I am building under topics are not links to other sites, but
rather to documents on other sites.  I am looking for tutorials,
articles, documentation, anything good and juicy with information.  I am
open to suggestions.  

And I like criticism, particularly the constructive kind.  So send me

And if any of you want to line up for writing some good articles for me,
I am paying!

Stephen R. Figgins
Editor, O'Reilly Network

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