
Michael Hudson mwh21 at
Wed Apr 12 14:30:51 EDT 2000

Ivan Van Laningham <ivanlan at> writes:

> Hi All--
> This is not precisely about Python, but it does affect my *usage* of
> Python on redhat 6.1.
> Why don't #! scripts seem to work anymore?  #!/usr/bin/python and
> #!/usr/bin/perl scripts don't work.  Error is

Someone's taken /usr/bin/python away?  Tried strace-ing it?

I presume /bin/sh scripts are still working (wouldn't like to think
what happened if they went away).


  incidentally, asking why things are "left out of the language" is
  a good sign that the asker is fairly clueless.
                                      -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

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