Remote debugging background processes

G. David Kuhlman dkuhlman at
Fri Apr 28 15:30:38 EDT 2000

I would like to be able to re-route the output from and input to
the Python debugger (pdb) to another window, possibly on another
machine.  We have background, server-side scripts that we run from
within our Web server add-on that we want to be able to debug.

I searched for this in DejaNews and found something about
MrCreosote.  That seems hopeful.

I also looked briefly at the asynchat stuff in Medusa/ZServer.  I'm
a believer in Sam Rushing, so that looks very cool to me even
though I don't understand it yet.

Has someone already done something like this?

Is there support for this kind of thing in mod_python or some other
support for python in Apache?  Where should I look?

If anyone has some help, please let me know.  Otherwise, I think I
have a fun weekend project for myself.

  - Dave

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