Was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Garbage collection for Python, now Stackless comments

Shae Erisson shae at webwitches.com
Mon Apr 17 06:53:59 EDT 2000

Christian Tismer wrote:
> Right. One should perhaps not advertize continuations in the first
> place, until people know them from school.
> That's why we try to build really useful stuff from them, familiar
> and understandable for many people, like threads.
> This also means, after some stabilization phase and iterations,
> most of these applications on top of co's will get optimized
> back into C, dealing with the co stuff from there.
> This doesn't mean to remove the co's Python interface,
> but to improve and simplify it further.

So when do we get to Pickle continuation objects and send them out
across the network, or even better, to another VM running on a second
processor? :)

Personally, I think continuations and coroutines are beautiful, and
easier and simpler than threads. Yay Christian! (and Yay Guido for
writing Python!)

PS. Can someone point me to example code for building smalltalk style
closures easily with continuations?
sHae mAtijs eRisson (sHae at wEbwitchEs.coM) gEnius fOr hIre
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