'database' search

Christian Tismer tismer at trixie.triqs.com
Sun Apr 23 17:22:43 EDT 2000

Bjorn Pettersen wrote:
[database with 1500 to 5000 items]

> The smallest datastructure I've found so far, is a 'prefix dictionary',
> so if e.g. "aardwark" was in the database, the 'prefix dictionary' would
> contain:
>  pfdict = {
>   'a':        ['aardwark', ...],
>   'aa':       ['aardwark', ...],
>   'aar':      ['aardwark'],
>   'aard':     ['aardwark'],
>   'aardw':    ['aardwark'],
>   'aardwa':   ['aardwark'],
>   'aardwar':  ['aardwark'],
>   'aardwark': ['aardwark']
>  }
> The maximum size for this would be n * avg len of item, with the real
> size being much(?) smaller with sufficient prefix sharing...

Well, your database is small enough to stand this number
of generated dict items.
In the general (larger) case I'd suggest to use a "trie"
structure. This is dividing your key set into maximum
unique subkeys. This may be coded with nested dictionaries
quite nicely.

aardwark      1
aaron         2
advertizing   3
advantage     4
python        5

gives you the following structure:

trie = {
  "a" : {
          "a":  {
                  "rdwark" : 1
                  "ron"    : 2
          "dv": {
                  "ertizing": 3
                  "antage"  : 4
  "p" : {
          "ython": 5

This should tend to give you quite small dicts, and relatively
fast access. Whenever you end up in a unique subkey, you may
do the completion. Using keys() and then sorting out isn't
too slow. Preofix sharing is there, too.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at appliedbiometrics.com>
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