A Mountain of Perl Books + Python Advocacy

Ken Seehof kens at sightreader.com
Thu Apr 6 16:34:46 EDT 2000

Indeed.  I've noticed that while just about everyone who I've known who
has tried python ends up liking it alot, there aren't many fanatics.  I define
a fanatic as someone who is absolutely certain that their language is by far
the best language for every possible application, and that other languages
don't even deserve to exist.  Python programmers tend to acknowledge
the positive qualities of other languages.

Perhaps this is partly because python borrows all the best stuff from many
other languages rather than being built around some wild, revolutionary idea.

Tim Peters wrote:

> [snip...]

> Python *is* astonishing for the tiny number of evangelists it's attracted!
> We sucked in Eric Raymond, for but for some reason he doesn't seem to
> consider promoting Python to be his Primary Mission from God -- the best
> hope for a PSA marketing campaign may be to hire a deprogrammer to
> straighten out Tom Christiansen's brain while there's still something left
> <wink>.
> not-mentioning-that-perl-is-a-better-language-for-some-tasks-and-
>     that-tells-you-how-effective-an-advocate-i-am-ly y'rs  - tim

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